I have been busy on BBC's 'virtual garden' design programme. In theory, it's a great idea; plan out your garden and then view it in glorious 3D. In practice, it's very difficult to use because it's incredibly slow and the choice of plants and other items is very limited.
However, it does give you a rough idea of what your garden might look like at some point in the fantastic future. Here is my bird's eye view plan:
I've added another shed as there's no option in the programme for a woodstore. On the North wall, facing south is an arbour, placed here to face the large circular lawn. A small, naturalistic pond towards the West will encourage wildlife. The patio is just oustide the back door, on the South side of the house.
And now for the 3D views:
In the North:
The East:
The South:
The patio:
The plants are not really all that accurately planned because of the limits of the programme. But it still gives a fairly good vision of what I hope my garden will eventually look like.
All I have to do now is make it happen!!!
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